Amanda Joy Photographer Baking Grattimann Switzerland

Homemade Happiness: Grättimann

Homemade Happiness: Grättimann

Winter has arrived in Switzerland and with the colder weather, some days just call for time spent indoors. Of course on those days little hands still need to be occupied. One of the things I like to do to keep my kiddos busy is to bake.

A few years back, I was introduced to the humble Butterzopf baking mix from the supermarket. For less than three Francs, it whips up anything from a Butterzopf loaf, to cinnamon rolls, to traditional Swiss Grättimann. Last week we opted to bake the later and here is how I transform this cupboard staple into a special Swiss treat.

Baking Switzerland Amanda Joy Photography

Begin with Butterzopf Baking Mix

You can purchase a just-add-water Butterzopf loaf mix from either Coop or Migro. I’m partial to the one from Coop as I find the end result has a finer texture.  Add the mix to a large bowl. The instructions say to add 250ml (1 cup) of warm water, but I think the dough works a little better when it is stickier so I end up adding around 275-280mls of water to mine. I also enjoy brightening the dough up a little by adding the finely grated rind of one or two oranges to the mix.

Mix it up!

Before I purchased my new Kitchen Aid mixer (THANK YOU COOP TROPHY!), I used a simple hand mixer with the dough hooks attached (those are the squiggly beaters your hand mixer comes with here). My Kitchen Aid only needs to mix for 2-3 minutes to get the dough well kneaded, but a hand mixer takes about 5 minutes. If you’re feeling extra adventurous you can throw in come chocolate chips near the end of mixing for a yummy chocolate/orange flavoured Grätti!

Baking Amanda Joy Photographer Basel

Let it Rise!

This takes about an hour, the mix typically works quite fast, but sometimes in cooler weather it needs a little push. If my kitchen is cold, I set my oven to around 40-50ºc, cover the bowl with a moist dish towel and place it in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

The dough is ready when it has doubled in size and feels soft and pliable to the touch.

Amanda Joy Baking Basel Swizerland Photography

Make the Grättimann

Divide the dough and roll each piece into a long bread roll shape. Form the head by squeezing the dough tightly and letting a ball form at the top. Cut legs and arms using a knife of dough cutter.

Baking Basel Switzerland Grättimann Amanda Joy

Finishing Touches

To finish the Grättimann, add raisin eyes, brush with egg wash and sprinkle with Hagelzuker……YUM!

Bake in the oven at 180ºc for 20-25 minutes until the are lovely and brown and sound hollow when you tap them.

Amanda Joy Photography Homemade Happiness


Happy Holidays everyone! If you enjoyed this post, please leave me a comment below!!! Each person who comments will go in the draw for a Fr.50 gift certificate to use towards your next family photo session! Winner will be notified December 31st, 2017!